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WideTek 12-600

Codice prodotto: WT12-600
Spedizione: gratuita in tutta Italia
Prezzo di vendita: € 6.990,00
Prezzo IVA compresa (22%): € 8.527,80
Tipo Scanner: Flatbed a colori
Formato: A3 +
Risoluzione ottica: 600 dpi
Velocità PPM/IPM:
Capacità ADF:
Connessione: USB 2.0

Scanner flatbed WideTEK® 12 a colori di grande formato che cattura anche superfici di 3D. Lo scanner ha bisogno di meno di tre secondi per il formato più grande di 12,5 cm 18,5 cm a 300 dpi e di 12 secondi in 3D a 600 dpi. Lo scanner può essere utilizzato con il coperchio verso il basso se i documenti sono sottili o stroppiciati ma funziona anche con il coperchio aperto. Ritaglia e raddrizza in automatico e funziona in entrambe le direzioni.


WideTEK® 12 Functions & Features
Functions, features and options available on the WideTEK® 12-600 color flatbed scanner.

WideTEK® 12 Functions

  • 36 bit color depth
  • Captures 3D surfaces, textures of various materials, Braille print
  • 1200 x 1200 dpi scanner resolution
  • Small footprint but scans 19% more surface area than A3
  • Automatic crop & deskew
  • On the fly rotation while scanning facilitates postprocessing
  • Real time display of scanned images, modify images without rescanning
  • Scan2USB -- Walk up Scanning to any USB device
  • Scan2Print -- Output to any connected printer
  • Scan2Network -- Output to any network drive
  • Output formats: PDF, PDF/A, JPEG, TIFF, PNM, Multipage PDF
  • Scan2Pad® -- Operation via tablet, smartphone or other mobile device
  • Wide color gamut: supports sRGB, Adobe RGB and native RGB

WideTEK® 12 Features

  • Integrated 64bit Linux, Intel i3 quad core processor, 8 GB memory
  • Dual LED illumination with new diffusors for optimal results, no warm up, IR-/UV-free
  • Large color WVGA touchscreen for simplified operation
  • User interface configurable in your language
  • OS independent, runs with Windows 7, 8, 10, Linux, Mac
  • ScanWizard uses any browser: IE, Safari, Chrome, Firefox
  • Integrated walk up scanning software
  • Easy installation via Scan2Net® Technology
  • Remote maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Firmware updates via web interface
  • Dust-free camera technology

WideTEK® 12 Options

  • Batch Scan Wizard -- Software option for batch scanning
  • Attach an external monitor for instant previews
  • Full Coverage Warranty -- Up to 5 years subscription for extended warranty package and free spare parts
  Gestioni.Doc S.r.l. - Via Aretina, 240 - 50136 Firenze - Tel. 0556800188 Fax 0556580317 E-mail - P.I. 02238120485
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